Make your packaging the best sales person

Create packaging that stands out on shelf, works for your brand, and makes shoppers choose your product in a split second.

Pepsico logo in black on a transparent background
The logo for Reckitt.
Vodafone logo in black on a transparent background
McDonalds logo in black on a transparent background
The Clorox Company logo in black on a transparent background
SoFi logo in black on a transparent background
Mars logo in black on a transparent background

Your research questions answered

The right packaging design can make the difference between a successful product and one that gets overlooked.

    Which of my pack design routes have have the most potential?
    How can I improve my pack designs to maximize their impact?
    How do the packs perform on shelf and fit with brand?

Identify & optimize your winning pack ideas


Quickly identify winning design routes

Identify the best designs early on, within hours. Get a holistic assessment of all aspects that drive in-market success of your packaging:

  • Key metrics: in-context purchase likelihood, distinctiveness, etc

  • Brand fit: emotional response, brand recall and brand linkage

  • Pack assessment: functionality, sustainability & claims


Optimize for success with rich diagnostics

Get rich consumer feedback & clear guidance on what to improve & why with a 360' assessment of the package & comprehensive diagnostics.

  • Likes & dislikes: Find the best & worst parts of your pack & why

  • Message recall: Autocoded, open ended consumer feedback

  • Improvement ideas: Autocoded, open ended feedback


Get a real read on shelf performance

Our pack test evaluates your pack in context of other competitive packages. Get an on-shelf read on spontaneous & aided brand recall and purchase likelihood of yours and competitive products. Available for in store and e-shelf.

No.1 agile research platform

Great innovation comes from a process of continuous experimentation and iteration. No matter where you are in that process, weโ€™ve got a system that helps you turn great ideas into great products.

    Innovate with confidence
    Smart research design built in partnership with leading brands gives you strategic direction for launch and insights into incremental growth.
    Optimize for success
    Rich diagnostics give you clear guidance on what to optimize and why. Our speed & value lets you be agile and iterate, leading to more successful innovations.
    Get smarter over-time
    Innovative platform that builds knowledge over time and gives you a head start for your next innovation
    Super flexible
    Combine tried & tested methods tailored with your business' knowledge. Flexible audiences, custom questions, slicing & dicing of your data on the fly.
    Highest qualiy responses
    ESOMAR & ISO certified suppliers combined with market leading quality checks.
    Co-created with leading brands
    Our research & data science experts work with leading brands to co-create solutions. To deliver research that is effective in the real world.

Helping the most progressive brands innovate

    Design thinking: Make a greater impact with your packaging
    Applying design thinking to insights
    FOMO and new products: Why parity is not enough

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