Elevate your personal brand as an insights leader using LinkedIn

Increase your visibility, build your personal brand and stand out in your organization.

Elevate your personal brand as an insights leader - A Linkedin screen

Watch the on-demand webinar

Our CMO, Nataly Kelly, shares techniques she has used over the years to amass 20,000 followers. Learn how to boost your personal brand and gain more visibility for the work you do.


Build your personal brand

As an insights professional, how can you stand out within a large organization? And how can you get more recognition in the market at large? It all starts with LinkedIn, one of the most important professional networking tools you can use! 

In this webinar, you’ll learn: 

  • How improving your personal brand on LinkedIn can help you in your current job

  • The key ingredients for building a compelling LinkedIn profile

  • Why consistency and engagement are key to growing your followers

  • Common myths about content types, time of posting and using hyperlinks

  • What to do if you don’t love to write or feel uninspired to post

  • How to get over imposter syndrome and value yourself as a thought leader

I'm a big believer in getting out of your comfort zone and doing sh*t that scares you. It's where growth happens.
Bianca JohnstonIntegrated Campaigns Lead at Shopify
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